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From the ashes of an empire, a hero will rise… Jai has spent his life forced to serve the cruel empire that killed his family and now rules his people. To grow ever more powerful, the emperor’s young son is betrothed to Princess Erica of the Dansk Kingdom. An unconquerable realm, where ancient beasts roam. The princess brings with her a priceless gift: dragons. Only Dansk Royalty can bond with these magical beasts to draw on their power and strength. Until now. When the betrothal goes wrong, a bloody coup leads to chaos at court. Finally, Jai has a chance to escape. He flees with a fierce Dansk warrior, Frida, but not before stealing a dragon egg. To vanquish the empire, he must do the impossible: bond with a dragon. Only then he can seize his destiny, and seek his revenge … ISBN 9780008517649 Author Taran Matharu
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Dragon Rider. Taran Matharu

Артикул: 1024312
74 zł
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Термін відправки
Розділ Fiction Books
Видавництво Harpercollins
Автор Taran Matharu
Ціна 74.00
Термін відправки Відправка в 72 h
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780008517649
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2024
Кількість стор. 565
Розмір, мм 152 x 233
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