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Мій кошик
Embark on a journey of peace and tranquility with this collection of three miniature books:Instant Meditations, a practical and accessible guide to the most effective meditation techniques from ancient and modern traditions. Simple Wisdom, a collection of thought-provoking quotes from artists, writers, philosophers, and pop-culture icons from around the world and across the ages that will challenge you to reflect on your own path to wisdom. Secrets of Serenity, a compilation of the inspiring thoughts of writers, philosophers, scholars, theologians, and leaders who have sought -- and found-- the secrets of serenity, offering you a guide for finding peace in your own heart, mind, and soul. This guide book and two compilations of quotes on which to meditation and ruminate offers readers a simple way to pause, be in the moment, and find calm. ISBN 9780762468188 Author Running Press
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Mindfulness Box Set. Running Press

Артикул: 1024341
73 zł
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Термін відправки
Розділ Philosophy&Religious Books
Видавництво Running Press
Автор Running Press
Ціна 73.00
Термін відправки Відправка в 72 h
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9780762468188
Палітурка Hardback
Кількість стор. 416
Розмір, мм 94 x 78 x 46
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