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A bewitching tale of first love, shattering grief, and the dangerous magic that draws us home. Mara's island is one of stories and magic, but every story ends in the same way. She will finish her days on the cliff, turned to stone and gazing out at the horizon like all the islanders before her. Mara's parents - a boxer and a ballerina - chose this enchanted place as a refuge from the turbulence of their previous lives; they wanted to bring up their children somewhere special and safe. But the island and the sea don't care what people want, and when they claim a price from her family, Mara's world unravels. It takes the arrival of Pearl, mysterious and irresistible, to light a spark in Mara again, and allow her to consider a different story for herself. The Gloaming is a gorgeous tale of love and grief, and the gap between fairy tales and real life. ISBN 9781784706562 Author Kirsty Logan
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The Gloaming. Kirsty Logan

Артикул: 1019662
53 zł
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Термін відправки
Розділ Fiction Books
Видавництво VINTAGE
Автор Kirsty Logan
Ціна 53.00
Термін відправки Відправка в 72 h
Мова Англійська
ISBN 9781784706562
Палітурка Paperback
Рік видання 2023
Кількість стор. 312
Розмір, мм 130x200
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